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Face Protection

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Breathe Healthy Honeycomb Blue Mask

Product Code: BH-HCB-MASK

Breathe Healthy masks offer added protection against germs, pollen, dust, pet hair & dander, allergens, mold spores, many bacteria, viruses, and many particle types that pollute the air. Our masks have been tested by a leading lab to filter down to 1.0 micron. They also utilize the...

Brand: Breathe Healthy

$32.23(inc GST)

In Stock


Breathe Healthy Colorful Paws

Product Code: BH-CP-MASK

Breathe Healthy masks offer added protection against germs, pollen, dust, pet hair & dander, allergens, mold spores, many bacteria, viruses, and many particle types that pollute the air. Our masks have been tested by a leading lab to filter down to 1.0 micron. They also utilize the...

Brand: Breathe Healthy

$32.23(inc GST)

Limited Stock Please Call


Breathe Healthy Dog Bones & Paw Prints Mask

Product Code: BH-DBPP-MASK

Breathe Healthy masks offer added protection against germs, pollen, dust, pet hair & dander, allergens, mold spores, many bacteria, viruses, and many particle types that pollute the air. Our masks have been tested by a leading lab to filter down to 1.0 micron. They also utilize the...

Brand: Breathe Healthy

$32.23(inc GST)

In Stock


Breathe Healthy Flames Mask

Product Code: BH-FLAMES-MASK

Breathe Healthy masks offer added protection against germs, pollen, dust, pet hair & dander, allergens, mold spores, many bacteria, viruses, and many particle types that pollute the air. Our masks have been tested by a leading lab to filter down to 1.0 micron. They also utilize the...

Brand: Breathe Healthy

$32.23(inc GST)

In Stock


Breathe Healthy Honeycomb Black Mask - Adjustable Ear Loops

Product Code: BH-HB-MASK

Breathe Healthy masks offer added protection against germs, pollen, dust, pet hair & dander, allergens, mold spores, many bacteria, viruses, and many particle types that pollute the air. Our masks have been tested by a leading lab to filter down to 1.0 micron. They also utilize the...

Brand: Breathe Healthy

$32.23(inc GST)

Limited Stock Please Call


Breathe Healthy Honeycomb Pink Mask - Adjustable Ear Loops Mask

Product Code: BH-HCP-MASK

Breathe Healthy masks offer added protection against germs, pollen, dust, pet hair & dander, allergens, mold spores, many bacteria, viruses, and many particle types that pollute the air. Our masks have been tested by a leading lab to filter down to 1.0 micron. They also utilize the...

Brand: Breathe Healthy

$32.66(inc GST)

In Stock


Breathe Healthy Honeycomb Steel Blue mask

Product Code: BH-HSB-MASK

Breathe Healthy masks offer added protection against germs, pollen, dust, pet hair & dander, allergens, mold spores, many bacteria, viruses, and many particle types that pollute the air. Our masks have been tested by a leading lab to filter down to 1.0 micron. They also utilize the...

Brand: Breathe Healthy

$25.93(inc GST)

In Stock


Breathe Healthy I Love My Dog mask

Product Code: BH-ILMY-MASK

Breathe Healthy masks offer added protection against germs, pollen, dust, pet hair & dander, allergens, mold spores, many bacteria, viruses, and many particle types that pollute the air. Our masks have been tested by a leading lab to filter down to 1.0 micron. They also utilize the...

Brand: Breathe Healthy

$25.93(inc GST)

In Stock


Breathe Healthy Leopard Skin Mask

Product Code: BH-LS-MASK

Breathe Healthy masks offer added protection against germs, pollen, dust, pet hair & dander, allergens, mold spores, many bacteria, viruses, and many particle types that pollute the air. Our masks have been tested by a leading lab to filter down to 1.0 micron. They also utilize the...

Brand: Breathe Healthy

$32.66(inc GST)

In Stock


Breathe Healthy Medallion Mask

Product Code: BH-MED-MASK

Breathe Healthy masks offer added protection against germs, pollen, dust, pet hair & dander, allergens, mold spores, many bacteria, viruses, and many particle types that pollute the air. Our masks have been tested by a leading lab to filter down to 1.0 micron. They also utilize the...

Brand: Breathe Healthy

$32.66(inc GST)

Limited Stock Please Call


Breathe Healthy Pink Dogwood Flowers Mask

Product Code: BH-PDF-MASK

Breathe Healthy masks offer added protection against germs, pollen, dust, pet hair & dander, allergens, mold spores, many bacteria, viruses, and many particle types that pollute the air. Our masks have been tested by a leading lab to filter down to 1.0 micron. They also utilize the...

Brand: Breathe Healthy

$32.66(inc GST)

In Stock


Breathe Healthy Puzzle Mask

Product Code: BH-PUZ-MASK

Breathe Healthy masks offer added protection against germs, pollen, dust, pet hair & dander, allergens, mold spores, many bacteria, viruses, and many particle types that pollute the air. Our masks have been tested by a leading lab to filter down to 1.0 micron. They also utilize the...

Brand: Breathe Healthy

$32.23(inc GST)

In Stock


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